Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Your Body- Your Primary Life Partner

Next week well be starting a new teleclass to start clearing a space for people to be communion with their bodies. After the intro class i realized most people dont know that they are not their bodies. How funny is that ? What if you werent your body, but wanted to be, or be in communion with it? What would that take? Heres an outline of our 4 week class-

week one- Question and your body. 'What Would IT Take for this to change' and everything that a question creates by asking it.

week two- Walls and Barriers between you and your body. Need i say more?

week three- Communion, and comminication. Oh so very different, and what you can choose about it.

week four- Bodies dont speak English. like to learn a new language? Well start with Bodish

Matt Bochsler